Izabella's Tea Set!

So mommy was having a bad day on Monday. I spent the entire day home in bed sick and I just wasn't ready to handle a rowdy little girl, no matter how cute she is. So daddy decided to have a daddy daughter shopping evening. After looking at every toy in the store both Izabella and Daddy decided on this little Cinderella Tea set. Izabella loved playing with Nana's tea set when we were in Washington and couldn't wait to get one of her own. Plus daddy decided that there where quite a few pieces in this little tea set to keep Bella busy for a couple of weeks. And he's been right so far...
for the last 3 nights Mike and I have been having a never ending tea party. From the time Bella gets out of bed in the morning until she goes to bed at night.
Here are a few pictures of my little tea party host. Serving her guests...Whomever they may be??

Serving herself some tea (or rather water in our house).

Have to sample some....and pour a little down the front of herself.And it's not a real party with out cookies and cake. Yummy!!

Mike says she's going to grow up to love to host parties just like I do. I won't mind if she gets that from me. I love to have people over to sample my latest twist on the menu.

Love you all,

Mikey, Stefi, and Izabella


Jess and Carl said...

Yay for tea parties! I can't wait to have one with her when I come down on the 25th or 26th! Love you guys!