Early morning Breakfast

This morning about 5:00 am Mike and I were awaken by little voice yelling "Ungry!" from across the house. I pulled my exhausted body out of bed and went in to Izabella's room to see what she needed, however, she was not their. I walked into the kitchen wondering if she had wondered to the fridge to find something to eat. And their she stood trying to get into her high chair. I guess this is what I get when I don't make her eat all her dinner the night before. So as I put her in the high chair Mike made her one of her favorites, Peaches'N 'Cream oatmeal. But that didn't make her happy at all. She started yelling in hysterics. After asking her what she wanted to eat and offering her everything in the house, Mike took Bella out to the garage to find some peaches. Well, when they came back in she wasn't caring peaches, but chocolate pudding. It was so early for both Mike and I we didn't care what she ate as long as she was happy and would let us go back to bed. To make a long story short, she wasn't happy until she had both the chocolate pudding and the Peaches'N'Cream Oatmeal. So she sat in her high chair with a big smile double fisting her yummy early morning feast. Here is some pictures I managed to snap before I crawled back in bed leaving Mike to supervise...

Thankfully after she was done eating and her little tummy was full, her and Mikey came back into the bedroom and we were able to get another 3 hours of sleep. I hope that we don't have many more mornings like this.


Mikey, Stefi, and Izabella


Ali said...

Aren't kids so fun? I hope you're getting more rest now and that this was just a fluke. We miss you guys!!!

Jess and Carl said...

HAHA... oh that is so funny! She is too cute! Love you guys!