My little garbage disposal!

So I really don't know what to do! Izabella eats from the time she wakes up till the time she goes to bed. And now that she has learned how to say "Hungry", she will let you know when she thinks her little body is starving. Here is an example:
Izabella is now old enough to go to nursery at church. We are so excited that she loves to go, even though she doesn't seem to miss us at all. Anyway, this Sunday I decided to peak in on her to see how she was doing. It just happened to be snack time and all the kids where sitting around the big square table. I noticed that everyone had a small clear plastic cup about half full with trail mix. Then I spotted Izabell. Her cup was completely empty, her cheeks puffed out to the max, and she had a drew drop of chocolate running down her chin. Not only was this quite a site, but she was also managing to shove in another cookie that was laying on the table. I had to laugh even though I was completely embarrassed. When we went to pick her up when it was time to go, the nursery workers told us what a delightful little girl she had been. I'm not sure weather to believe them as I looked at my little girls new Sunday dressed stained with all the goodies she had managed to eat in the short 2 hour period she was in nursery.
What am I going to do with this little garbage disposal of mine. I can't leave anything with in arms reach or she will manager to find and eat it. I love my little girl and hope that this is just a phase.
Love you all,
Mikey, Stefi, and Izabella


Emily said...

How adorable, and amazing that she eats. Kara has turned into an extreme picky eater this last month, and will eat only eggs and marshmallows. If you could share your secret that would be great!!