Just a cute story

So I guess I haven't really noticed how quickly Izabella learns from doing. The other day we were cleaning her room when I found a couple of empty wipe package, you know the ones from Costco. Izabella was helping me, and wanted to do everything herself. So I gave her the wipe packages and told her they needed to be thrown away. I lead her into the bathroom and showed her were the garbage can was. She threw them away and was so happy with herself that she started to clap. Later that afternoon I got a new wipes package out when it was time to change Izabella's diaper. A few hours later I notice Mike was getting ready to change her diaper and had gotten out a new wipes package. I just figured he hadn't taken time to look for the one I had opened earlier. However, that night when I was getting Bella ready for bed I couldn't find either wipe package. Where could she have put them? After about 20 mins of searching I decided to use the wipes from the diaper bag. Then when it was time for Mike and I to get ready for bed, I went into the bathroom and noticed that the garbage can was quite full. When I looked more closely I found the 2 packages of wipes we had opened earlier that day along with one of Mike's stinky shoes, Echo's dogie toy and a couple of magnets from the fridge. I guess Izabella found a few more things around the house she thought where garbage. I will have to be careful what I show her from now on. I can't believe how fast she is growing and quickly she is learning.
Love you all,
Stefanie Plane


Emily said...

What a good helper. They sure learn quickly what things are for. It is so fun to watch the stage where they want to do everything bigger people do. Enjoy the help while it lasts. Now Justin and Hallie hate to do a lot of those things.

Anika said...

hehehe , how cute! Ours is paper-any paper Cy finds is "garbage" and gets thrown away! They are so much fun!

Guess what? I got to see the twinies yesterday!!! So SO cute!

The Greenfields said...

That is so cute! KJ loves to throw stuff away too, luckily he just throws away what I ask... hopefully things don't go missing. haha

Tilleea said...


Jess and Carl said...

Hehe... she is so cute! I love you guys! I can't wait to see you!