My Two Girls

Everyone is home, and we are all doing very well. We got a phone call Sunday morning from the Doctor telling us we could come get little Abigail and bring her home. I couldn't wait! However, I had to wait for my husband to get out of bed and get ready. It was the longest hour of my life. I thought men where suppose to get ready faster then women?!

Izabella was so excited to meet her new little sister. I couldn't set the car seat down soon enough. She jumped up on the couch and looked into the car seat. Then she didn't know what to do. I took Abigail out of the car seat and set her down next to Izabella and the first thing she did was kiss her on the forehead and smile!Then she wanted to hold her. So she sat on mommies lap and help her little sister. I think her smile tells it all! The little red hat was one that the nurse taking care of Abigail in the NICU made for her. Izabella told me she wants one that matches her sisters.Then today I got Abigail ready for her first outing. We had to go to the doctor for her new born wellness check. Izabella was so excited to help mommy get her ready. We bathed her, and lotioned her, we dressed her up cute and even made a little bow to put in her hair. I couldn't ask for a more helpful big sister. Then it was picture time. Izabella has hit the age of posing for pictures. She loves getting her picture taken and she has one of the hammiest smiles I've ever seen. Got to love her!!Izabella loves giving Abigail Kisses and Hugs!
Here are my two BEAUTIFUL girls. I don't think Mike and I could be any more blessed.

We want to thank everyone for their phone calls and messages of congratulation. The entire family is home and we are all doing very well. Better then I expected actually. Now we will just need to figure out how to adjust from being a family of three to a family of four. Wish us luck!!


Michael, Stefanie, Izabella, and Abigail


Lisa said...

Bringing the baby home is such a special moment, especially when it's a long time coming. You have two gorgeous girls!

Anika said...

Congrats!! I've been thinking about you the last couple of days, and am glad to hear you got to bring your precious new baby home! Take Care!

Jess and Carl said...

Beautiful! I can't wait to meet Abigail and see Miss Bella in Feb. Now I wonder what a little boy might look like!? I guess you'll have to work on that next! Haha... You are definitely blessed, as are all of us in our family! Love you!

Jacque said...

Those are two beautiful little girls. I'm so excited for you. I can see that Izabella loves Abigail. And also - good job getting that tax deduction - both times!

Kris Edwards said...

Awesome! What sweet little girls--we were glad to hear everything is going so well and look forward to meeting little Abigail.
Uncle Glen & Aunt Kris