Halloween FUN!

Izabella was so excited for Halloween! She woke up Saturday morning singing "Candy, Candy, My Yummy Candy!" She defiantly has Mike's sweet tooth, lets hope his metabolism is a packaged deal.
Here are some pictures of our fun filled Halloween evening!
Here is Izabella outside our house with our pumpkins. She was a cute little Bumble bee for Halloween. Isn't she cute?She was so happy to pose for pictures!Here is a cute close up after we put her wings on.

Our original plan was to meet Katie and Rem at K-mart to go through there Trick or treat street, but by the time we got there there was a line of almost a 1000 people. So we went over to Mike's old neighborhood and trick or treated some of the homes we knew. We stopped at the Wilson's to decide what to do next and let the kids run around in the front yard for a while. I think they enjoyed this more then the Trick or treating.
They ran back and forth and all around. Izabella just followed where ever Colton went. She loves having friends to play with.
She wouldn't even hold still for a picture. Look at that little bee go!!

After we let the kids wear them selves out a little Katie and Rem and their two kids, and Mark and Kat all came over to our house where we ordered dinner and played games until the kids were ready for bed. It was a wonderful night. Every time our door bell rang Izabella and Colton would run to the door to help hand out candy and see all the other kids costumes. They had so much fun!!

All in all a great Halloween!!

Love ya,

Mike, Stefanie, and Izabella


The Greenfields said...

What a cute litle bumble bee!!

Brandis said...

Okay, seriously, it should be illegal to be that cute! I LOVE her costume!

Jess and Carl said...

Love the posts! LOVE the costume and I'm thinking you should hand that down :) LOVE her trick or treat bucket and everything else! I miss you guys! Give Bella kisses and rub the belly!

Lisa said...

Oh my heck! Cutest bumble bee ever! What a sweet little face. You guys have an adorable little girl.

Yes, I did just say "oh my heck". I've been in Utah too long :)

momplane said...

She is the cutest little bumblebee I ever saw! Sounds like you had a really fun time--
Love, mom

Emily said...

She gets cuter every time I see her. I'm glad you had a great Halloween.

Kids Costumes said...

What a cute costume and kid!

Tilleea said...

super cute!

Burton Family said...

i love that costume!! she is sooo adorable!! i can't believe how big she is getting!! congrats on the new baby coming.. love ya guys!
i have a blog now too..

Joanne said...

That is the cutest costume ever! Of course it's made cuter by the cuteness of the one wearing it, too! We hope you're all doing well!

Curtis and Steph said...

Way cute Stefi! Love Bella's costume! Looks like she had fun!