I know I already posted on the amazing 50th birthday party we had for my dad, however I had to add another post to add these forgotten photos. I love my Dad and I am so grateful for all that he has done for me and my family. I remember when I went to college he use to call me at 5:30am every morning to make sure I was up and not getting lazy being away from the farm. I think my room mate hated it, but she never said anything. My father has been one of my greatest heroes and my best friends for as long as I can remember. I guess me being a daddy's girl is why I enjoy watching Izabella with her father. Dad worked so hard to support his family and teach all us kids the importance of hard work and dependability. Of course, along with the importance of hard work he instilled in us the joys of fun and laughter. Even though he is another year older, a little grayer and possible a little slower I love him just as much. And just for the record...I am sure AJ was who made you turn so gray because you didn't have any when I was living at home. Enjoy these pictures of my Dad, Joe Eldredge!!

This is my dad and I when I was 4 days old. Look how young he was!!
This is Dad and Izabella when she was about 5 months old.
Here's dad and Jeanna on their wedding day. Look how happy they are!!
This was the day Mike and I were married and I love this picture of Dad. It is one of very few that shows his true smile that is so much like my own.
Love you dad and hope you had a great 50th!!
Mikey, Stefanie, and Izabella
Our first Birthday Spotlight is Russ Latimer, who turned a year wiser on September 25th of this year. It was great that we were able to spend this time with him since we were in Washington for Grandpa's funeral. I think sometimes he doesn't realize how much I love and appreciate all that he has done in my life. He is such a wonderful man and has done so much to make my mother so happy in the last 11 years. He has always been there when I needed him and I know I don't give him enough credit for the wonderful influence he is to my family. I love you and hope that you had a wonderful Birthday!!
Here are some pictures of Daddy Russ over the years:

Russ and mom at the Oregon coast a couple years ago.
Russ and Izabella the weekend of her blessing.

Hanging out after Thanksgiving a couple of years ago.

Love You,
Mikey, Stefi, and Izabella
Izabella was so excited for Halloween! She woke up Saturday morning singing "Candy, Candy, My Yummy Candy!" She defiantly has Mike's sweet tooth, lets hope his metabolism is a packaged deal.
Here are some pictures of our fun filled Halloween evening!
After we let the kids wear them selves out a little Katie and Rem and their two kids, and Mark and Kat all came over to our house where we ordered dinner and played games until the kids were ready for bed. It was a wonderful night. Every time our door bell rang Izabella and Colton would run to the door to help hand out candy and see all the other kids costumes. They had so much fun!!
All in all a great Halloween!!
Love ya,
Mike, Stefanie, and Izabella
So we have had a busy couple of weeks at the Plane home. Last Saturday we had what has become our annual Pumpkin Carving party. Kat and Mark came over with their pumpkins and a health appetite. We started off the evening with Homemade Chili and corn bread. It was so good if I do say so my self. Then Mike and Mark started carving pumpkins! Katrina decided after almost cutting her finger off last year that she would supervise. So I put her and Izabella to work decoration sugar cookies. This was Izabella's first experience with decorating cookies, and I have to say that she rather enjoyed herself. Unfortunately most of the frosting ended up in her mouth and not much of it ended up on the cookies. It was a wonderful night full of fun and friends. We were very disappointed that Colten was sick and the Katie and Remington were unable to join us. Hopefully next year! Here are a few pictures of all our fun!!
Here is Izabella frosting some cookies!
Katrina decorating some cookies!
Smile Kat and Bella!
Mark cleaning Kat's pumpkin!
Mike just chillin'...doing what he does best.
Ok so I took Izabella's hair out and had her all ready for bed before I thought of taking pictures of our great pumpkins. So don't mind the model's hair and look at all our cool pumpkins.
She is cute even with her wild hair.
On Wednesday Izabella had a Halloween party at Day Care. She was so excited to were her cute little bumble bee costume. She had so much fun and brought home a ton of candy and little gifts. Kelly also gave her a cupcake when she left and Daddy thought it would be an OK idea to let Bella "hold" it on the way home. I don't know what made him think that this was a safe thing to do with our little eating machine. Needless to say Mike called me just before he pulled in and asked me to bring him a hose. Daddy had quite the mess to clean up, but Izabella seemed to have rather enjoyed herself.
The cup cake is gone, but there is plenty of orange frosting let over as evidence.
Kelly also let the kids make these cute little shirts. They used finger paints and their hands to make little spiders on either side of their shirts, then added a string for a spider web to dangle from and eyes. Bella loves her new little shirt.
We will follow with a few actual Halloween pictures soon!
Mike, Stefanie, and Izabella
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