Cheesy Smile!!

This is just too cute not to share! Izabella has started giving this cheesy smile when she is really enjoying something. Isn't it one of the cutest things you've ever seen? Can you see all her teeth. We started the new year with 2 bottom front teeth
and 2 top ones on the way. We now have 4 on bottom and 5 on top with 2 more coming in, including a back muller. If she keeps this up she'll have all her teeth before she's two.4 Don't mind the hilarious outfit. This is our Saturday afternoon, I'm tired of changing you, to stay warm outfit.
We hope you enjoyed these pictures as much as we enjoy sharing them.
Mikey, Stefi, and Izabella


Jess and Carl said...

Hahaha... oh my word, she is too cute! I love everything about her! I love the smile, the extra rolls, the stockings, the beautiful blue eyes, everything! I miss you guys! Love you!

Danielle said...

OMG! She is adorable.