My Girls...Do They Look A Like Or Not??

So I have been told by a lot of people that my girls look nothing a like.  I'm not so sure.  Sometimes I look at Abigail and I see Izabella when she was that age.  Then there are other times I look at her and she is distinctly her own person. 
So I'm going to put you all to the test!
Following are 5 sets of photos of the girls (for some reason I couldn't get them all side by side).  I want you to tell me which one is which.  Have fun!!!

Here is a picture of each of the girls when they were in the hospital.
These where the girls baby photos.  Do you know who is who?

Both of my girls love sitting in their bouncers!
Just laying in their cribs!

Both girls love to play...look at them smile!!

I think when they were first born the girls had many similarities.  However, as they grow they do look different.  You can tell they are sisters, but they do have their own looks.  And I hope Abigail's hair keeps growing, she already has as much as Bella did on her first birthday!

Love you all,

The Planes 


Jess and Carl said...

The hospital is the hardest one for me surprisingly!

I think Abbi is #1 then Bella

The close up with the pink flower is Abbi, the black and white is Bella

In the yellow bouncer is Bella and the other is Abbi

The crib is tricky too... I think the first is Abbi and the second is Bella

Jumpers is the easiest one! First is Bella and second is Abbi!

So... how'd I do???

The Greenfields said...

Set #1: 1. Izabella 2. Abigail
Set #2: 1.Abigail 2. Izabella
Set #3: 1.Izabella 2. Abigail
Set #4: 1. Abigail 2. Izabella
Set #5: 1. Izabella 2. Abigail

I think they look a little alike but they both definitely have their own distinct look!

A Plane Family Story said...

Sister Jess you need to look at the hospital pictures again. And Jessica you did awesome! I agree that they do have similarities, but they also have there likeness!!

Jess and Carl said...

Oh I totally didn't look close enough on the hospital ones... but I did rock the others :)

Ali said...

I think they look like sisters. They are both adorable!