Izabella's New Bath Robe!!

Mike wanted to get Izabella a ducky robe for her birthday, but after weeks of searching he couldn't find what he was looking for. So he called mom!! Is always mom was happy to help out. Mike and I took Izabella to the fabric store where she helped her Daddy pick out some ducky fleece fabric a pattern. So next time Grandma was in town we sent it all home with her.
Then last week Izabella received a package in the mail. I made her wait until Daddy got home to open it, and you wouldn't believe the excitement of both Izabella and Daddy. Off to the bath tub they ran! Bella couldn't wait to try on her new bath robe (not to mention to show it off to her friend in the mirror). Here are some pictures of her new robe....Thanks Grandma Plane!!!
Bella walking with Daddy in her new bath robe (and she stole her dolls binkie)
She thinks she is soooo cute!!
She had to turn and make sure that everyone was checking out her new Bath Robe.

We just thought we'd share the fun.


Mike, Stefanie, and Izabella


Anika said...

she THINKS she's cute?!?!? I have news for you guys, she IS SUPER CUTE! What fun picts. She is so precious. I can't wait to meet her!

Gillett Family said...

That's because she is CUTE!!! If I must say :) And so is that fun robe!!

Jess and Carl said...

OH MY GOODNESS! Adorable! I sure wish we were closer! Love you guys and can't wait to see you again!

Brandon, Kandra, Sydnee, Dawson and Emery Plott said...

She is way cute!! I can't believe how big she has gotten. The bath robe is super cute too!! It looks so warm and comfy I want it. We miss you guys!!

Tilleea said...

Yeah for Grandmas! Super cute.