Something New

Well I guess since everyone else is doing it I had better attempt to figure out how it all works. Blogging that is, so here is my attempt. I will be welcoming pointers, tips, and how too from anyone who would like to send them my way. Including how you all find those cute layouts. Anyway…how do I start out here…? So much has happened in the short two and half years that Mike and I have been married. It’s almost hard to believe that it has been that long. Mike and I are still living in Twin Falls, Id, after a short few months in the big city of Nampa, we are grateful to be home and we love our little town. We enjoy the small community and Mike knows almost everyone who lives here. We can’t go anywhere without Mike introducing me to someone new. We live in the greatest little neighborhood with all of our friends just across the street. So needless to say we are never without friends and fun.
Mike and I had no idea how much we were missing in our seemingly perfect world, until December 31, 2007, when our little girl, Izabella Arrow came into our lives. She is the most beautiful little princess in the world, or so Mike and I think. You know how your mother always says, “You just wait, one day you’ll have a little baby just like you!!” Yea, you could say after my mom saying this to me so many times over the years I was naturally worried about bringing this little baby into the world, because I know, from numerous stories, that I was a horrible baby. What was I going to do? Well thankfully, Mike’s saying of “God wouldn’t do that to me!”, and the stories of him being such a good baby, came through for him, and my mom’s threat was avoided for now, because Izabella is a perfect baby. She rarely ever cries, and has been sleeping through the night since she was twelve weeks old. The only time she really gets cranky is when she is hungry, or in her world starving. She defiantly is part Iverson, hence her love for food.
Our family couldn’t be happier. Mike is working for his best friend’s dad at a computer networking company doing computer stuff and he loves it. At least that is how I interoperate it when he doesn’t come home any day before 5:30 when he is suppose to be off at 5:00; usually it is closer to 6:00. And I have found a job that I enjoy and look forward to daily, not to mention that I only have to work three days a week. I’m grateful to be able to work a full time job and still have time for family. We have been so luckily to have such wonderful friends to volunteer to watch Izabella for us. Katie, a good high school friend of Mike’s, watches her most days. Along with her nine month old little boy, Colton, she has her hands full, and we appreciate all she does. On days that Katie can’t watch her Mike usually doesn’t have any problem finding someone to watch Bella for a few hours. In fact, he jokes about just standing out in the middle of our street holding Izabella in the air saying, “Baby for the taking!”, and all doors will open and the race to see who will have the pleasure of caring for our little orphaned for the afternoon begins. With me only working three days a week it leaves a lot of time for family time. Just Mike, Izabella, Echo and I, Echo is our two year old Beagle, and yes she is very much a part of our little family. We all like to take long walks, wherever they may lead, playing on the floor, going outside, now that it is warm enough, and playing games with family and friends. We can’t wait to see what the summer will bring and the adventures that will come as Izabella grows older.
Now that we are finally settled in a great apartment, in a great neighborhood, in our great little town we are ready for all of the adventures ahead. Hopefully I will figure out this whole blog thing and be able to catch up with you all. And then maybe I will be able to keep you all caught up on our busy little life. Take care and I will write again soon.
Love you all - Stefi


Tilleea said...

I am soooooo glad you have come to the bloggin community. I love to blog and hope you find pleasure in it as well.

You said you wanted pointers, I just happen to know of 2 sites that may help, check out the following, hopefully they will help.(The second will help if you understand the first site's directions.) All this may seem a little overwhelming at first, but really is easy once you get the hang of it. Good Luck!

Jess and Carl said...

The more to keep me updated the better! I can't wait to read more stories and see more pictures. I love you and your little family, including Echo! I hope to see you soon!!!

Brandis said...

I'm so glad that FINALLY some one in MY family has a blog!! Several of Donny's cousins do but it's not the same. :) It's such a fun way to keep in touch with each other and see what's going on with everybody else. :)

momplane said...

It is fun to see your blog--now I can find out more about all my kids and grandkids! Thanks-

Emily said...

welcome to the blogging world. We are glad that you started one. It is so fun to see what people are doing all the time.

Kris Edwards said...

It is fun to be able to catch up on the lives of family members we don't get to see as often as we would like to! Thanks for sharing your blog address.
Bella is sure growing fast--cute as can be! Glad things are going so well for your little family.