So today Mike called me completely overwhelmed by the number of bills in the mail box, not to mention all the junk mail that either sits on the counter in a pile for months at a time, or goes straight into the trash without so much as a glance. "I hate getting the mail. All that is ever in it is bills, bills, and more bills! It would be nice to get something else for a change."
I agree, in fact, I remember going to the mail box and receiving letters and cards from family and friends. Has the Internet made it so easy to keep in touch with everyone that no one thinks of sending a card or a letter to say "HI" any more. Maybe we all rely on computers so much that we have forgotten the old art of a pen and paper. Well, I shouldn't speak to loud, I myself have slacked on the art of sending special somethings in the mail. Well I have decided to stop this horrible cycle of getting nothing but bills and junk in the mail. I am asking everyone who reads this to send me their address ASAP!! And if you see or talk to anyone else that might to receive a special something in the mail from me please email it to me at I am going to start mailing out a special something in the US Mail every week to someone who is added to my address book. This way maybe when you open the mail next week you will receive something other then junk. Don't hesitate, just send me your address and I will be mailing you something soon.
Love always,
Stefanie Plane
Yesterday I heard a knock on the door around the time Mike and Izabella usually get home, so I ran to let them in. When I opened the door there stood Izabella with her bag she takes to day care thrown over her left shoulder and her play phone tucked up under her right ear with her right shoulder. I know she's growing up, but when did she start carrying a purse and a cell phone. It didn't end here! Bella has also really taken to her baby doll. She carries it all around the house, wraps it up in her blankets, feeds it from her sippy cup and pushes it around in her little doll stroller. It is so cute. Mike has been watching her and giving her tips. "Don't cover up her face sweetie. Your baby needs to breath." And when I tried to tell him it was ok he firmly reminded me that we would have a baby soon and she needed to know how to treat her little sister. (No we aren't sure of the gender of the baby yet, however Mike is set on it being another girl.) I can't believe how grown up and responsible my husband has become.
Anyway, so all night last night Izabella pushed her baby doll around in her little stroller and carted around her purse all around the house. I'm not sure where she learned this technique because I rarely carry a purse. I usually just have her hold my wallet in the cart. She was so cute I had to take some pictures, so here they are:
With all our Love,
Michael, Stefanie, and Izabella
There always has to a First Twinkie, and Izabella's first came just the other day. And I would have to say that she rather enjoyed it...What do you think!!
Warning!! An overload of Pictures to follow!!
So I just returned from spending 10 wonderful days in Washington with my wonderful family. It has been a very long time since we have all been able to spend time together, let alone so many days in a row. I can't tell you how wonderful it was to go home, and see family and friends. I felt so much more energy then I felt in a long while, and I felt so alive. It was such a great feeling. Izabella enjoyed her self too, for most of the trip. Mike was unable to drive up with us on the 3rd of July, and she was not very happy with the idea that Daddy was not there. However, he was able to join us on the 8th when he flew into Seattle in time to go to the Seattle Mariners game with the entire Iverson Family. I don't know what else I can say then it was a wonderful vacation and I am so grateful for the opportunity I had to spend so much time with family, and to see so many friends I hadn't seen in such a long time. I'll let the pictures following explain the bulk of our trip. I know there are a lot, but I just couldn't decide which ones to cut out...Enjoy!!
This is the first time in a couple of years all three sisters have been together. Aren't we a great looking group of girls!!

Here is a picture of the entire family on the first day of the Iverson Family Reunion. AJ came straight from work, so we forgive him for being covered in dirt.

From Left to Right: Stephanie holding Randi Lynn, Zach, Stefanie holding Izabella, Mikey, AJ (hence all the dirt), Joshua, Jessica holding Ryan Lukas, Mom (better known as Nana these days), Russ or Papa, Kira holding Addilynn, and Dayrk holding Douglas.
Here is a picture of Jessica at the 4th of July flag raising and Breakfast pushing all the grand babies. That is one strong Auntie, and stroller!

These next two pictures are just a couple I took at Great Grandma and Grandpa's while at the reunion. I just thought they were super cute and had to add them to share with everyone.
It was a wonderful trip, but I think we were all glad to get home. Now if we could just get back into our old routine I think we would be ok. On the way home I turned around in my seat to check on Izabella and she was giving her froggie a drink. She really is going to be a great big sister.
I want to thank both of my parents for all their wonderful hospitality to make my family feel so comfortable away from home. I also want to thank Mike's mom for making sure that he made it to the airport on time, and both his parents for letting us stay there on Saturday night on our way home. I miss everyone already and anxiously await the next time we can all be together.
We love you all!!
Mikey, Stefi, and Izabella
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